Monday, November 19, 2007

Your Options For Palm Database Software

Have you ever wondered if what you know about palm database software is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on palm database software.

The Palm Pilot is the ideal device for storing and organizing information. That is in fact its primary use. The software enables this function. As you might know, there is a range of software available from freeware (free software) to commercial products. Here is a quick look at the different options you have:

The LIST version 95 program works with Pilot1000 and 5000, PalmPilot Professional and Personal and Palm III. LIST is not strictly Palm database software. It is also compatible with IBM WorkPad. Developed by Andrew Low, LIST is a basic database application that lets users store lists of all sorts of information such as booklists. It is free, however, you can only create 3 data fields, two of which you can edit the name and the third is like a notes/remarks field. Plus, you are also limited to a maximum of 12 lists or databases with this program. 21K of free memory is required to run this program.

Another software option is MobileDB, which requires that you have 37K of RAM available on your device. This program runs on PalmPilot Personal and Professional and Palm III. There is a freeware MobileDB version, which is a "read-only" (not editable) program, and a shareware MobileDB version ($14.95), where you can create up to 20 databases with 20 fields and maximum of 200 characters on each field. One great feature of this software is its filtering and sorting options for easy viewing and searching of records.

JFile version 3 works in all Palm Pilot models compatible with LIST but this Palm database software requires thrice the free memory, 60K to be exact. Developed by Land-J Technologies, this is the first database application that came with full features designed for Palm Pilot. It has made plenty of feature additions and upgrades since it was released. This powerful software allows up to 30 databases with up to 20 entry fields each database and up to 500 characters each field. JFile offers several types of field (i.e. text field, date field, time field, etc.) and a column totaling feature. JFile costs around $20.00.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of palm database software is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about palm database software.

DB is free software. It is a small and simple program developed by Tom Dyas. DB needs only 22 K free of RAM and runs on Palm III, Palm Pilot Professional and Palm Pilot Personal. It is still in the alpha stage and therefore lacks some features like sorting or filtering but it does allow you to create as many databases as the device 's memory can allow with 16 fields per database at the most. It includes a source code which programmers can access and tweak if they want to add more features.

There are more Palm database software products available in the internet. Take the time to study and compare those that interest you to help you make the right selection.

This article 's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts

1 comment:

ng2000 said... hosts free msaccess databases look-alikes for windows. Might offer something helpful.

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